sitting comfortably


Sometimes I can’t find a comfortable position to sit in.  Some part of my body hurts, it’s difficult to sit straight up, or my internal or external tremor is being a huge pain in _ss. So, I have several spots around the house where I can read or work on my lap top, depending on what’s the most comfortable at the time. I’ve haven’t heard anyone talk about this so I’m wondering if you sometimes feel this way.

Several of these places might seem the same but just the little difference of height, angle, or firmness can be the difference between comfortable and uncomfortable. Also having several options is helpful as I often move throughout these areas each day.

Desk – Setting up the four points really helped my comfort level. First, I set my chair at a height where my arms are at about the same level and my keyboard. Then I placed my monitor on top of a book to bring the top of the monitor to my eye level. I have a footstool under the desk to keep my knees up to thigh level and feet flat on the stool.  And lastly, I place a small pillow on the back of my chair to keep my posture straight (gracious, it’s like setting myself up in the space shuttle).


Sofa or Arm Chair – When I’m sitting on my sofa I tend to start curling forward with bad posture, so I put a pillow behind by back that’s large enough so my feet sit flat on the floor. If I’m using my laptop on the sofa, I use a footstool that I can put my feet on and push against it to keep my back straight. I have several ottomans, footstools, and poufs which might seem excessive but they are super helpful.


Dining Table – When my tremor is making it difficult to keep my book steady, reading on the table is a help. I can prop up my book.


Yoga Ball – I sometimes replace my desk chair with a yoga ball. When my tremor is bothering me, moving feels the best and with the yoga ball I can make small movements while still sitting. It also helps me practice my balance and helps strengthen my core. I like to keep the ball full and stiff.

Floor Cushions – If you’re not used to sitting on the floor this might be challenging at first, but because you can move around and sit in several ways, it can become comfortable. It’s also a great way to build up your strength as the act of sitting and getting up from the floor works many areas of your body.

Bed – Sitting on my bed with my laptop or book. A fold open breakfast tray and again, with the pillows, but they really do help! If you have any suggestions, please let me know or share them in the comments.