holidays with pd


Each year I go from refusing to think about the holidays because it’s too early, then pouf I’m scrambling because it’s a week away from Christmas. Not that I have any grand plans this year but I do want to do some seasonal things. Having PD may prohibit us from doing some things but there is still lots that we can do.

We put up our tree and a wreath, and put a few simple decorations like bowls filled with fairy lights and ornaments. Fairy lights are so charming, I want to leave them out all year long. I have a large rosemary plant that needs trimming so I’m making a few small herb wreaths. I wanted to try a hand at making a tropical garland but ran out of brain space and energy on decorating. Speaking of brain space and energy, yesterday I took a half hour nap and then slept for nine hours last night. Go figure. With PD it’s either I have a hard time sleeping or sleep like Rip Van Winkle.

For holiday baking I made my first fruitcake. I know I hear groans in the background but I love fruitcake in all of its variations including Panettone & Stollen. The one I made is a British style fruitcake and the two lovely loaves are luxuriating right now in brandy soaked cheesecloth. I have a fruitcake story that perpetuates the tale that all the fruitcakes are just the same ones being passed from person to person because no one wants to eat them.


One year we were in Mendoza Argentina at Christmas. The hotel we were staying at just opened, so we were one of only a few guests in the entire hotel. In our room was a welcome basket with assorted munchies and a fruitcake. In the afternoon, the maids came in and cleared out the basket and later that evening we went down to one of the hotel restaurants and they had a side table with holiday decorations with a fruitcake on it. The next morning we went to breakfast and there on the buffet, of course what did we see but fruitcake. It became a running joke of seeing our fruitcake everywhere we went in the hotel. We should have given it a name.

I’ve got a couple of holiday movies lined up to watch. I’ve never seen It’s a Wonderful Life, and I love Jimmy Stewart so I’m looking forward to it. The other is a modern movie Love Actually. I know the whole premise of people all getting together for the holidays and fall in love has been badly done a million times, I like this one. What can I say, I love sappy movies during the holidays.

I’m sufficiently in the holiday spirit. We don’t put an emphasis on gifts at all during Christmas. It’s about the generosity of spirit, festive food, and reflecting on the year.

Hope you’re enjoying the holidays.

(image from my name is yeh)