aloha friday

I didn’t do too well this week with exercise, so I’ll get back on track this weekend. If I don’t do it in the morning, I find many excuses in the afternoon and my energy is lower as the day goes on. I know it’s been drilled into you probably a million times about the additional importance of exercise for people w/parkinson’s but it bears repeating. Aside from potentially slowing down the disease, your body is stronger, more flexible, it relieves pain, helps with digestion & constipation, relieves depression & anxiety, and you always feel good after you do it. It’s a gorgeous day today and the parks just reopened only for exercising so off I go this morning for a long walk.

I found a couple of new shows to watch. Manor House on Amazon is a British reality series about a group of people living on an estate as if it were in the Edwardian era. You have the wealthy family living upstairs and the downstairs help. It’s a fascinating glimpse into what day to day life was like in that era. Upload is a cute new comedy series. After Nathan’s untimely death he is able to choose his afterlife.

Well here are few things I’ve been eating this week. Grain bowls are easy and delicious, but Melissa Clark has a great tip. The basic formula is grains, toppings, sauces & flavorings. For the veg toppings she slices them on the thinnest setting on a mandolin. What it does is create a different crisp than a dice and delicate texture that I’m loving. Lettuce, cabbage, carrots, celery, radishes, fennel all work beautifully.

I made a batch of Everything Bagel seasoning from Cookie + Kate. It’s a good one and I’ve sprinkled it on toast, tuna sandwiches, and roasted sweet potato fries. This Turkey & Lentil Chili is a regular of mine. It’s just Marc and I so I freeze half of it and I’m always happy to pull it out of the freezer for an easy meal. I also see the beginning of strawberry season so I picked up a basket and made my favorite Strawberry Cake. Oh boy do I love this cake.

I’m reading The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware. It’s a twisty mystery and I just started it but really enjoying it so far. I’m also reading If I Understood You, Would I have This Look on My Face? by Alan Alda. It’s his journey about learning how to communicate better with others. I like his earnestness and simplicity.

I hope you’re doing well. I know it’s a long haul but we are resilient and still have lots to contribute in our little worlds. Reach out to someone today (that someone could be me:) and say hello. Have a wonderful weekend.