looking back at 2019


“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” Soren Kierkegaard

As the year comes to a close, I look back and think about all that has happened. The things that worked and didn’t work, and take stock. Each year I choose two words that are my focus. This year they were “growth” & “connection”. I loved thinking about those words throughout the year and all the many ways I could incorporate them into my daily life. I added “gratitude” into my thoughts on a daily basis and the more I focused on it, the more abundance I saw.

There were of course challenges. The ever changing efforts to maintain my physical and mental health when having a chronic illness is never far from the surface. A family member had a major health challenge this year and thankfully it had a positive outcome.

This year my words are “trust” and “express”. It will very interesting to see how these words manifest. I’m looking forward to this year and all that it holds. I’m grateful for you as a reader of this blog. I appreciate every connection I’ve made, all the wisdom and strength that I’ve gotten from our community is immeasurable.

I wish you a very happy and fulfilling new year! xoxo Kai