a simple island life

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notes for the new year 2023

It’s January, which means new goals for the new year. I love setting goals and tracking my progress. I don’t see it as stressful, rather a way to see new possibilities. I never reach all of them but that’s ok, that’s never the point, it’s to acknowledge the things I did do.

There are things that have been on and off my lists for years but it keeps it on my radar and when the time is right, I actually might do them. I like a mix of small easy things that can be done quickly, which gives me instant gratification to tick the box, there are things are more ethereal than concrete, and there are more complicated items. I did about half of the items on my list last year and I’m happy with that.

In my pre-pd life, I broke down my goals into categories. Relationships, career, exercise/wellness, home projects, & creativity. My life is much simpler now so I have just one list but thinking about each of these categories is still helpful and now with Parkinson’s, exercise & wellness has certainly moved it’s way up the list.

So here we go for 2023.

  1. Weight resistance exercise 2-3 times a week. I’m trying to build and maintain my muscles and bone density.

  2. Be more methodical about keeping in touch with friends and family using the motto “smaller more frequent touches is better than less frequent longer time frames”.

  3. “Eat real food, mostly plants, not too much.” Michael Pollan

  4. Spend an hour a day on focused learning. It can be cognitive and/or physical. A language, book learning, creative, musical, etc.

  5. Find something each day that makes me laugh out loud.

  6. Practice good sleep hygiene. Get outside for 10 minutes when I first wake up to kick start my circadian rhythm, limit screens and food 2 hours before bed.

  7. Get outside for 23 minutes each day.

  8. Read 23 books that I already own (I have a stack of books I want to read and keep getting sidetracked by new recommendations).

  9. Keep a log for 30 days of everything I spend, I mean every little thing.

  10. See a movie in a theater once a month.

  11. Convert my home movie DVD’s to the cloud.

  12. New throw rug for dining room.

On the 23rd of each month I’ll go over my list and throughout the year I may add or remove things if I feel like it. Do you write down your goals/intentions and if so, I dare you to share one! Have a good weekend. 💖