a simple island life

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ready for a new week

~An Aviation cocktail and a game of backgammon was the perfect kickoff to Saturday afternoon. This week has been scorching hot so I’ve been gardening early and late in the day and I notice that I feel better when I’m able to spend even just a few minutes outside in the sun first and last thing. Andrew Huberman talks about how being outside without sunglasses first thing in the morning for as little as 10 minutes can help set your circadian rhythm for the day, which can help you sleep better at night. The whole concept about the changing of the seasons and how our natural daily patterns should change with them interests me a lot and I’d like to read more about it.

Artificial light has only been around for a very short amount of time in human history and it’s changed the way we live and sleep, and now that we’re finding out how important our sleep cycles are to our health, I want to know more. Not to mention the additional sleeping issues that PD can bring, I wonder how that can potentially affect the progression of our PD.

~ I’ve got a new athletic shoe to recommend from Xero Shoes. My knee problem has been exacerbated by dyskenisia and stiffness, so I’ve been working on correcting my walking, to lessen the impact on my knees. These type of shoes are based on the foundation of barefoot walking/running. In a nutshell walking or running in shoes that have a thick cushion where the heel cushion is higher than the front of the shoe (which is most athletic shoes) force you to strike your heel first, which in turn puts more impact on your knees. Barefoot shoes have a zero drop meaning are flat and have a thin bottom so your foot hits the ground more in the mid/front area. The thin bottom also allows you to use your foot muscles in a more natural way and the front of the shoe is wider to let your feet sit naturally. Lastly they are very light. I started wearing them walking at the park and I absolutely love them.

~I’ve heard of PwP getting together for boxing or bike riding but lately I’ve been hearing of other interesting groups like a photography club, a gardening group and even a pickle ball group. What a fun way to enjoy a hobby and learn new things.

~For my friends who have gone through menopause, Q: What does a hot flash feel like?
A hot flash is a mildly uncomfortable sensation that feels like a new star is being born in your abdomen and all the heat from the explosion is radiating out of your face. Only hotter. The whole article is a crack up.

Have a wonderful week 💖