a simple island life

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the year end 2022

Lanikai beach

Well another year is coming to an end. It’s been a year of transition coming off of the pandemic and many things have changed in how the world works. But things always change and getting comfortable with not being comfortable can be good. It forces me to learn new things, think out of my normal box and can have many positive benefits.

Of course there has been much, not so great going on everywhere, but there will always be an endless supply of sad, traumatic, and anger inducing things happening and it doesn’t serve me well to let that dominate my overall life. Certainly I should do what I am able to help create change, stay educated on the things that are important, and have gratitude for all the unbelievable good that people do each day.

It was fun to do some traveling again this year. Attending the PWR Retreat in Scottsdale Arizona was an incredible experience in pushing the limits on exercise, and visiting San Francisco and New York was exhilarating and brought me back into the world of amazing restaurants. If I could get paid for people watching on vacation, I would be rich.

I’ve spent some wonderful time with family and friends and understand why more studies are showing the importance of relationships as a pillar of longevity. It can be hard to make friends as we get older, so it’s even more important to make time for play, creativity, activities with people who enjoy the same things, volunteering, even chatting with your mailman for two minutes each day. It all adds up.

In my quest to eat better, I’ve made good progress this year. I’ve eaten fairly well up until now but there is room for improvement. There is so much confusion on what is a healthy diet so I crafted a simple plan that works for me. Eat real whole unprocessed foods & limit sugar & dairy. That’s it. It’s amazing when I run each food that I’m considering eating through that simple test, how much better I’m eating. The hardest part for sure is my sweet tooth but I’m working on it.

Parkinson’s continues to get more exposure through the many studies, the amazing and creative advocacy that people do to bring awareness, along with the national plan to end Parkinson’s act. It feels like albeit slowly, the rocket ship is being built and getting ready to explore ways to prevent and slow the progression of PD.

I want to thank you most of all for reading the blog and reaching out to me. I look forward to a new year with all the ups and downs that life brings us (hopefully more ups than downs) and having each other share our experiences.

Happy Holidays!