yes i'm back

Hi all, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I have no dramatic reason other than every time I started writing, I just went blank. So I took that as a sign to take a break, and now I’m really excited about being back. Thank you to all of you who sent me an email checking to see that I was OK. Our PD community never stops looking out for each other and I really appreciate it.

I just returned from Scottsdale Arizona for the annual PWR Retreat which is a PD exercise retreat. It was an incredible six days of exercising for three hours a day. Yes I said three hours everyday. Followed by speakers with lots of good information. I have never been so exhausted, but it was very motivational to see how much I could push myself. This photo was our amazing Hawaii crew that made the experience memorable.

It also made me realize how incredibly lucky and privileged some of us are, and how that effects the type of medical treatment we receive, the medications we take, and all the support that surrounds us. One of my goals this year is to learn more about the disparity in our under served communities and how I can help, and I’ll do follow up posts as I learn more.

Summer is here, so it’s time for weekly shave ice and to plan for the season. PD apathy is a real thing and it can become easier to let the year fly by without planning little extra enjoyments each season. Just a few small things each season help give me a nudge. Here are a few of my summer to dos. 

Summer Reading – I want to read outside more this summer. My favorite times are early in the mornings or late in the afternoon as the sun sets, I can sit on the lanai or on my picnic table in the garden.  

Swim - I want to start swimming again. I’m having some knee issues so I’d like to include more lower joint impacting exercises into my routine.

I want to have fun - It seems the older I get, the less I play and I’m on the lookout for being more playful in everything I do, and summer seems like the right time to kick it off.

Paint my guest bathroom – It’s time for a refresh. I have painted more rooms than I can count and it’s so satisfying when it’s done. Painting the edges or trim is the tricky part, but my left hand can still do it! If I just do one of these things, I’ll considerate it a win. What are your summer to dos?

Lastly, I’m so excited about my baby pineapples. They are from pineapples I bought at the store, cut the tops off of, put them in water until roots formed, and plunked them into the garden. They are just adorable. That’s all for today. Just a quick post to say I missed you and I hope you’re healthy and doing well.