
Hi I’m Kai. I had a busy life with three wonderful grown sons, a happy marriage, and a full career. Then after several years of going to a variety of doctors for tremors on my right arm and leg, and fatigue, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s.  That was in 2011 and now here we are. I still have three wonderful sons and a happy marriage but life is certainly different.

I started this site as a way to embrace and enjoy the everyday simple and complicated lives we have as women with Parkinson’s or chronic illness. I love to garden, cook, read, and have three squares of dark chocolate every evening.

If you want to share in the conversation, please comment on the posts or email me. There are many of us around the world living with chronic illness and still trying to enjoy our lives. Let’s connect and share with each other. Thanks for stopping by!

Email me at asimpleislandlife@gmail.com or use the form below.